
Traditional Worship - Sunday 9 a.m.

Our traditional worship service begins at 9 a.m. each Sunday in the sanctuary. Dress is business casual to casual.

A traditional service with seasonal robed clergy and choir, acolytes, traditional hymns, anthems, creeds and liturgy. The Chancel Choir leads the 9 a.m. Traditional worship service every week, sharing a wide range of genres: Traditional Methodist hymns, Contemporary arrangements and many more! The Choir also shares seasonal major works with orchestral accompaniment. And, our Jubilation Ringers Handbells will perform once a month during the Traditional worship service beginning this Fall! Special Events We have special music and events throughout the year - including holiday services. We hope to see you soon as we worship God together in our traditional service!


The Well Contemporary Worship - Sunday at 11 a.m.

Our contemporary worship service begins at 11 a.m. each Sunday in the fellowship hall. Modern Instruments and Technology using some of the latest technologies in visual and audio media, this service provides space to worship in ways that are familiar to people today. Casual, Home-like Feel. We hope The Well will feel like home to you. It's a place where you can be yourself and grow in your faith; a place where you will find new friends and family. So, dress as you feel most comfortable worshipping God and simply enjoy being in God's house! We look forward to seeing you soon!

“The intent of worship is not the stimulation of people but the glorification of God. While certainly the people of God play an active role in worship, worship is not about what the church produces for God. Rather, worship is about what God has done, is doing, and will do for the church. Put plainly, worship is a loving response to a loving God.” – Jonathan A. Powers


“What get’s your attention, gets you.” – E. Stanley Jones

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